WCTD Responds to COVID-19

March 20th, 2020
My fellow independent tire dealers:
We certainly are facing a future that has been unprecedented in our lifetimes. Being an independent, smaller tire dealer myself, I find that my days now are mostly spent trying to gather the most up-to-date information and resources. Government programs all the way from federal down to municipal levels are constantly changing and being updated.
Your representatives at Western Canada Tire Dealers continue to do all that we can for you; and will share any and all information that we are able to provide. There are critical best practices that all locations should follow in regards to hygiene and sanitizing, and social distancing, not only to keep your customers safe and healthy but also your staff.
We will also try to send out the latest, most relevant information and links so that you are kept current on government programs that may be of great value to you and your employees. Please reach out to us if you have questions. We will do everything in our power to get you the answers you need.
Also, if you have suggestions to share please do that as well. Now is the time for us to unite and help one another weather a storm like we have never seen before.
Stay safe & stay well.
Neal Shymko
President WCTD
Comprehensive Government of Canada COVID-19 Update
A wide range of information and resources
Fundamentals to minimize chance of transmission
• If an employee is sick, ask them to stay home.
• Ensure flexible sick leave policies consistent with public health guidance.
• Permit employees to stay home to care for a sick family member.
• Post signage asking anyone who is ill to not enter the premises.
• Require any employee who has recently traveled internationally (including to the U.S) to self quarantine for 14 days.
• Require employees to wash hands frequently and thoroughly, not to touch their faces, and use hand sanitizer (at least 60-95% alcohol) as needed.
• Post clearly worded hygiene reminders in appropriate locations, especially in washrooms and change areas.
• Request all employees and customers to maintain social distancing, both in the workplace and at home.
Best practices for workplace hygiene and sanitation include:
• Use disposable nitrile gloves when driving vehicles in and out and changing them after every vehicle.
• Use gloves or hand sanitizer immediately after handling customer’s keys.
• Use disposable steering wheel covers on every vehicle.
• Provide hand sanitizer to each technician for their individual use.
• Provide hand sanitizer and or sanitizing wipes to customers.
• Wipe down the credit card machine before and after each transaction. (Customers like to see it wiped down beforehand—provides reassurance and comfort). Where possible, use only tap / flash enabled units.
• Wipe down common areas before opening and once or twice during the day. For both customer and employee areas.
• Eliminate sharing of food and drink between employees (pizza lunches or even coffee, doughnuts or other commonly shared snacks)
• Eliminate items such as magazines / coffee stations temporarily to minimize chances of community spread.
• Be kind and be considerate of a everyone’s fears and questions.
Keep calm—WASH YOUR HANDS—and carry on!
Resources for business owners
Explore the option of utilizing a work share program instead of outright layoffs, and the procedures to implement:
This link outlines the federal government’s economic response plan to date, for both individuals and businesses:
Canadian Chamber of Commerce Support for Entrepreneurs
Includes relief and bridge financing options as well as an extensive list of links and pertinent resources covering a wide range of topics:
Questions? Suggestions? News from your community?
Drop us a line!
Ray Geleta
Executive Director WCTD
Neal Shymko
President WCTD