Feb 19, 2025
Staying the Course
When The Tracker went to press the issue of ‘on again, off again’ tariffs continued to dominate our news feeds. It’s true that we face a higher degree of uncertainly these days. As we continue to monitor the situation, we’re pleased to bring you this edition of The Tracker, filled with association and industry news.
Spring is almost here. Well, not quite. Winter conditions still prevail in much of the country, which likely explains why more Canadians are properly equipping their vehicles with good winter tires. Catch up with TRAC’s survey to that effect.
This issue contains the first of what we hope will be an ongoing series saluting some of our illustrious pioneering colleagues in the industry. Our inaugural piece features Verne Bullock, who built Columbia Tire, starting out in the late 1960s. We hope it will inspire you to think of others who we should cover. Please let us know.
On that note, later this year we’re planning to induct our newest members into the Western Canada Tire Dealers Hall of Fame. We urge you to give serous consideration as to who you feel would be deserving of such an honour. Find more info and the nomination form in this edition.
There’s more, of course, from helpful ideas on how to mitigate risk to your business to a heads-up re. this year’s Alberta Charity Golf Tournament, with all the forms you need included.
Here’s to imminent real spring weather!
Download your Spring Tracker today!
Feb 5, 2025

Western Canada Tire Dealers will be in Saskatoon offering Tire Industry Association level 300 Automotive Tire Service (ATS)—Feb 26-28, 2025—and Commercial Tire Service (CTS)—Feb 24-26, 2025.
We all know how vital it is to keep our staff properly trained and informed, especially in a world where technological shifts are happening at such a rapid pace. Our training regimen in partnership with TIA is highly regarded as one of the best in the industry.
We urge you now to make plans with your staff to attend as we expect places to fill up quickly.
Please note the following…
• Attendees are to bring their own PPE equipment (Steel toed shoes. gloves, hard hats, vests, safety glasses etc.) for the practical, hands-on portion of the training.
• Training material, lunches and coffee breaks will be provided. All other expenses are the students’ responsibility.
Registration must be received and accepted one week prior to the course. Completed forms may be e-mailed to rayg@wctd.ca or mailed by Canada Post to: WCTD, 65 Woodbine Road, Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 4A7
Questions or concerns? Please call Ray Geleta at 780-554-9259 or e-mail rayg@wctd.ca
Dec 17, 2024

We all know how vital it is to keep our staff properly trained and informed, especially in a world where technological shifts are happening at such a rapid pace. Our training regimen in partnership with TIA is highly regarded as one of the best in the industry.
Western Canada Tire Dealers will be offering Tire Industry Association level 300 Automotive Tire Service (ATS) and Commercial Tire Service (CTS) training courses in January, 2025. We have finalized dates and locations for the Calgary and Edmonton training as follows: (Click on the course to download its registration form and full details.)
Edmonton CTS Training January 13 to 15th
Edmonton ATS Training January 15th to 17th
Calgary CTS Training January 27th to 29th
Calgary ATS Training January 29th to 31st
We urge you now to make plans with your staff to attend as we expect places to fill up quickly.
Please note the following…
• Attendees are to bring their own PPE equipment (Steel toed shoes. gloves, hard hats, vests, safety glasses etc.) for the practical, hands-on portion of the training.
• Training material, lunches and coffee breaks will be provided. All other expenses are the students’ responsibility.
Registration must be received and accepted one week prior to the course. Completed forms may be e-mailed to rayg@wctd.ca or mailed by Canada Post to: WCTD, 65 Woodbine Road, Sherwood Park, Alberta, T8A 4A7
Questions or concerns? Please call Ray Geleta at 780-554-9259 or e-mail rayg@wctd.ca

Dec 17, 2024
A quorum shall consist of eligible voting members present or represented by proxy or, in the case of a corporate body, by its duly appointed representative.
Voting members may make submissions, but these must be in writing and forwarded to the association office, to be received by Friday, March 21st, 2025, in order to be placed on the agenda. Printed agendas will be available at the meeting and also electronically.
The WCTD Board of Directors request your attendance, participation and input to help them direct the business of the association. For more information please contact Ray Geleta, WCTD Executive Director, at rayg@wctd.ca
Nov 13, 2024

There’s strength in numbers, as the saying goes. As a member of one of the continent’s longest established and most successful tire industry organisations there’s no question you already benefit considerably ‘by association’ alone. But did you know that there’s a wealth of worthwhile options that come with your membership?
These range from significant discounts on new vehicles to deals on office supplies, access to academic scholarships, car rentals, travel deals and plenty more. Not to mention a ‘made for the tire industry’ customized package from our friends at Federated Insurance.
More than just ‘perks’, these are real, value-driven programs not to be overlooked.
Download Your Winter Tracker Today!
There’s plenty more, of course, from staying on top of TPMS servicing to market news about Lt. Truck growth, advances in sustainable tires, and tips from Federated on how to properly rodent-proof your premises. All this plus early news about next year’s training opportunities.
Also, don’t forget to send us your own news or let us know if there’s a good reason we should feature you in The Tracker. Tell us about your latest community project. for instance. We’d love to know!
Wishing you a successful winter change-over season!
Download Your Winter Tracker Today!
Aug 9, 2024
Cyber Security: It’s Everybody’s Business

The Fall Tracker revolves around the topic of Cyber Security as its central theme. Whether you’ve been directly affected by criminals hacking into your business or not, guaranteed you’ll find this issue packed with valuable information and ideas to help protect your systems—and hopefully avoid having your day-to-day operations severely compromised.
We bring you one member’s personal experience of being subjected to a ransomware attack, which they have graciously agreed to share with us in the hopes it might help others.
In addition you’ll find plenty of sound advice from Federated Insurance, as well as another personal story—of fraud perpetrated through social media—from our good friend at Federated, Regional Association Manager Chris Leahey.
There’s more, of course, from advice on how to protect staff who may be working in extreme hot weather temperatures to a wrap-up of another successful WCTD Charity Golf Tournament.
Also important to note, August 17th.—this year’s Academic Scholarship Deadline—is rapidly approaching. We can’t emphasize too much just how valuable this WCTD benefit is; and how, over the years, it’s helped so many member family students with their tuition fees. Please, make sure your staff is aware of how to apply in time for this truly worthwhile WCTD benefit.