Safety Committee Charts Progress On All Fronts

Chairperson Diane Hildebrand says the WCTD Safety Committee is making a meaningful contribution to the work of the Association. Hildebrand, who has been employed at Fountain Tire for three years, has chaired the Committee for the past year. Her experience spans 19 years in the field of safety; and she holds various professional safety designations, that include Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) and Certified Health and Safety Consultant (CHSC) and a Health and Safety Certificate. She is currently in the process of obtaining a Degree in Disability Management.


Pictured from Left to Right: Wayne Budge, Clem Collet. Federated Insurance Associated Services Coordinator presents WCTD President Clem Collet with the Federated Insurance 2014 Promotional Sponsorship Allowance.

Hildebrand says her goals include:

  • Establishing open communication between all members;
  • Maintaining a system of safety alerts, and shared learnings;
  • Building on policies and procedures;
  • Reinforcing safe work practices; and
  • Addressing standing items such as issues, concerns, high risk actions.

Amongst the successes achieved to date, Hildebrand suggests that the sharing of safety alerts — both internally and externally—is a critical achievement. As well as lobbying for now approved emergency vehicle status in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, an issue which BC is currently reviewing, and in Alberta has been referred to the Deputy Minister.

Safety alerts are now shared by all members of the Committee to assist with improving the safety of all locations. A revised safety alert is posted on the WCTDA website.

Past year in review

  • WCB Alberta reports noticing a trend within the tire industry;
  • Presents the benefits of modified work and the importance for an early return to work program;
  • The Committee has asked for copies of the Physical Demands Analysis to be given to smaller companies for education purposes;
  • Motor vehicle incident stats now shared by the group include high risk activities; and
  • Conference call with Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety to discuss common concerns within the province.