Feb 19, 2025
Staying the Course
When The Tracker went to press the issue of ‘on again, off again’ tariffs continued to dominate our news feeds. It’s true that we face a higher degree of uncertainly these days. As we continue to monitor the situation, we’re pleased to bring you this edition of The Tracker, filled with association and industry news.
Spring is almost here. Well, not quite. Winter conditions still prevail in much of the country, which likely explains why more Canadians are properly equipping their vehicles with good winter tires. Catch up with TRAC’s survey to that effect.
This issue contains the first of what we hope will be an ongoing series saluting some of our illustrious pioneering colleagues in the industry. Our inaugural piece features Verne Bullock, who built Columbia Tire, starting out in the late 1960s. We hope it will inspire you to think of others who we should cover. Please let us know.
On that note, later this year we’re planning to induct our newest members into the Western Canada Tire Dealers Hall of Fame. We urge you to give serous consideration as to who you feel would be deserving of such an honour. Find more info and the nomination form in this edition.
There’s more, of course, from helpful ideas on how to mitigate risk to your business to a heads-up re. this year’s Alberta Charity Golf Tournament, with all the forms you need included.
Here’s to imminent real spring weather!
Download your Spring Tracker today!
Aug 9, 2024
Cyber Security: It’s Everybody’s Business

The Fall Tracker revolves around the topic of Cyber Security as its central theme. Whether you’ve been directly affected by criminals hacking into your business or not, guaranteed you’ll find this issue packed with valuable information and ideas to help protect your systems—and hopefully avoid having your day-to-day operations severely compromised.
We bring you one member’s personal experience of being subjected to a ransomware attack, which they have graciously agreed to share with us in the hopes it might help others.
In addition you’ll find plenty of sound advice from Federated Insurance, as well as another personal story—of fraud perpetrated through social media—from our good friend at Federated, Regional Association Manager Chris Leahey.
There’s more, of course, from advice on how to protect staff who may be working in extreme hot weather temperatures to a wrap-up of another successful WCTD Charity Golf Tournament.
Also important to note, August 17th.—this year’s Academic Scholarship Deadline—is rapidly approaching. We can’t emphasize too much just how valuable this WCTD benefit is; and how, over the years, it’s helped so many member family students with their tuition fees. Please, make sure your staff is aware of how to apply in time for this truly worthwhile WCTD benefit.
Feb 21, 2024

With the crazy, wild to mild weather swings we’re having across Western Canada it may be hard to believe … but spring is in the air!
In this issue of The Tracker we’re looking ahead to New Horizons—to what 2024 has in store down the road.
The replacement tire market has never been a simple or homogenous entity. However, there’s no shortage of helpful commentary as to what the next few months might hold, especially with regard to the ‘on-again off-again’ impact of EVs.
Read up on the latest in ‘Gauging the EV Conundrum in 2024; and get some inventory tips from the TIA / GFK forum held late last year on how to plan for those all important ‘bread and butter’ sizes that account for 60 percent of the market.
Federated Insurance offers a wealth of ideas on how to ensure you have a viable business interruption plan in place, which spans everything from power outages to cyber attacks and theft. As Federated says, “Risk Management is Never Done.”
We bid farewell to one of the association’s earliest and most loyal supporters, Garry Dickinson, who shaped BC’s D&D Tire into a major player in the 1970’s and early ‘80s.
If you’re in the vicinity please plan to attend the WCTD Annual General Meeting: Friday, March 15th, 2 PM at Victoria’s Grande Pacific Hotel, 463 Belleville Street.
There’s plenty more, of course, from recycling news to registration forms (for players and sponsors) for the sequel to last year’s highly successful WCTD Charity Golf Tournament, scheduled for June 23rd, 2024.
Download your Spring Tracker today!
Oct 27, 2023

With the snow about to fly across the west, the latest Tracker is ready for you to download. As always, you’ll find no shortage of pertinent news that touches on almost every aspect of the association’s wide range of activities.
First and foremost, we bring to your attention the resumption of in-person training, after a long hiatus thanks to the pandemic. Sessions are already gearing up—and there’ll be more to come. We expect plenty of demand so urge you to book promptly. Find registration info on page 13.
Are you charging enough for your skills and services? Regular contributor Paul McAlduff makes the case as to why “Great Service Should Always Be Paid For” in his latest ‘Just Sayin’’ column.
Ever wonder what happens to those scrap tires that get picked up? Over the years WCTD has played a key role in the evolution of our various recycling agencies. On that note, you can check out another of Tire Stewardship BC’s very successful playground projects on page 19.
No time like the present to remind you of the need to make sure that TPMS systems remain intact during during changeovers. Our good friends at Federated Insurance offer some helpful insights on TPMS liability on page 17, including a course of action if the customer refuses to have the work completed.
There’s more, of course, as we check in on Quebec’s ground-breaking Right to Repair legislation and get some helpful tips from Simply Safe on updating your in-house hearing conservation program—and making sure that workers PPE devices fit properly.
Last but not least, we are delighted to salute this year’s Scholarship Recipients!
Download the latest Tracker today!
Aug 1, 2023
With Summer in full swing, we hope everyone’s enjoying their vacation and having a safe and smoke-free season. For your reading pleasure, as Fall is right around the corner,
the latest Tracker is ready for download.
Between the covers you’ll find plenty of news, including a report on WCTD’s very successful (now again annual) Alberta golf tournament, which took place in late June and raised significant funds for the Stollery Children’s Hospital.
On a very sad note, we say farewell to our great friend and long-time supporter Wayne Budge, of Federated Insurance, who passed away on June 12th.
The height of summer can bring an array of challenges, including extreme temperatures that can be a danger to outdoor workers. We urge you to read the piece from the folks at Simply Safe (courtesy of WorkSafe BC) on what you can do to help protect your employees from heat stress.
TPMS, as always, continues to be in the news. Read up on why it’s important to make sure you or your techs have the latest in tool software for proper TMPS servicing. i.e. “Don’t Wait: Update!”
Plus, one final reminder that there’s still time to meet the fast approaching August 15th deadline to apply for WCTD Academic Scholarships. Please be sure to advise anyone eligible within your network to apply!
Download the latest Tracker today!
Feb 6, 2023
Spring (not that far away) is a time of renewal, a theme that runs through the latest edition of The Tracker.
As always, this issue is filled with useful and pertinent information. However, we’re also pleased to present a remarkable feature that underscores what can happen when smart minds come together in the world of used tire recycling.
Tire Stewardship BC (TSBC) and partners have transformed Nanaimo’s waterfront Maffeo Sutton Park into “an inclusive and accessible space for children of all ages and abilities …with a focus on active play and engaging sensory experiences.” We think you’ll find it a fascinating read, especially as pour-in-place-rubber (from 3,260 recycled tires) was used to replace the former gravel surface. If you’ve ever wondered if collecting and shipping all those used tires is worth it, be sure to read ‘Play for All’!
There’s more of course, including the return of our popular golf tournament, as well as info on the upcoming WCTD Annual General Meeting, to be held in Kelowna (bring your clubs!). Safety Corner (contributed by safety experts Leigh-Ann Stewart and Debra Haldane) is back, with helpful hints about your safety program, while Federated’s Chris Leahey outlines how to set up an emergency contacts list.
Check it out for ideas on how to hire and keep good techs, service tips from TIA, who’s on the move in the industry—and plenty more.
Spring may not quite yet be here. But The Spring Tracker will get you in the mood!
Download your Spring Tracker Today!