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Western Canada Tire Dealers supports the 5 ‘R’s of Recycling:

  • Reduce
  • Re-use
  • Recycle
  • Recover
  • Residual Management

WCTD was instrumental in developing industry-managed scrap tire recycling programs in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Second to none in North America, the programs achieve high diversion rates and drive a vibrant recycling industry.

Each provincial program is run by a not-for-profit society, governed by a board of directors (with at least one director representing WCTD). Common to all four is the collection of an advance disposal “eco fee” on the sale of every new tire. Fees pay for transporting scrap tires to a recycling facility for processing. This ensures that scrap tires are disposed of in an environmentally responsible way, instead of ending up in stockpiles or in landfills.

Usually, tires are processed into crumb rubber—granules of rubber with the steel and fibre removed.  Crumb is used in flooring products for agricultural, recreational and industrial use; and in rubberized asphalt, synthetic turf fields, highway, and landfill construction.  In Alberta, ‘tire shred’ is used as aggregate in local landfills and in BC some tires are used as a fuel supplement, replacing fossil fuel alternatives in cement kilns.

Common features include the Community Grant Program, which provides financial support to communities who use recycled tire products in their not-for-profit projects, such as recreational facilities, playgrounds, all-weather sports fields, running tracks and arena flooring.  Recycled scrap tires are often used for playground surfacing to replace pea gravel or wood chips, setting new safety standards, and are completely wheelchair and walker accessible.

WCTD representatives on provincial recycling boards


Andrew Boulton

British Columbia

Tim Hollett
Norm Schmidt
Mark Endersby


Len Ritchot
Ray Geleta


Ken Essex

Kendal Penner

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Western Canada Tire Dealers
65 Woodbine Rd.
Sherwood Park, AB
T8A 4A7

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